Tuesday, February 5, 2013



We are getting ready for our annual JRFH celebrations that will be held during P.E. classes on Monday, February 11 and Tuesday February 12. All money that is raised will be due on the day of your child’s JRFH event. All money that is raised will go directly to the American Heart Association. However, based on the amount that is raised, the P.E. program will receive gift certificates to purchase new equipment.

Additional Information:

• Online fundraising is quick and easy! Students can set up their own web page, send emails, and friends/family can make their donations directly online. Go to www.heart.org/jump to get started today!

• Checks and cash may be put in the JRFH collection envelope that was included in your child’s JRFH packet.

• Students that raise money will be part of a separate JRFH assembly, which will involve Mr. Fraser getting pies thrown at his face! However, all students will participate in the JRFH celebrations that will be held in P.E.

• Here are a list of fundraising incentives for this year:


TWO lucky students will be part of this year’s “DREAM TEAM”.

This includes: free admission to the ATL HAWKS game (all other tickets are ½ price), high-five players as they run out of the “Tunnel”, AND get the opportunity to help rebound the balls to the players during the pre-game warm up!

*When? TBA ….More details to follow….

*Who wins this? Top Fundraiser for CWE AND those students who raised money for JRFH will be part of a raffle for the other ticket, one name will be drawn…


2012 JRFH Assembly- Mr. Fraser :)

Who wins this? The top fundraiser for each GRADE LEVEL AND raffle winners from the drawing (all JRFH participants eligible to win) will get to have the chance to throw a pie in Mr. Fraser’s face! We will have an assembly to watch all of the action. Dates/times TBA


Who wins this? Students that raise $80 will be able to have lunch with Mr. Fraser!

Dates/Times TBA


The class with the most PARTICIPATION will win a free lunch from Chick Fil A.


*Raise $30 online and receive an official “American Heart Association” rubber bracelet.

*Win a prize during our JRFH event raffle; all students will be eligible to win even if they did not raise money for JRFH. Celebration is during P.E. classes.

We are looking forward to another successful Jump Rope for Heart event!

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


Over the past couple of weeks, students have been working on their basketball skills (dribbling, passing- chest, bounce, overhead, and shooting). During the last week of the unit, students will be practicing their skills through some fun lead-up games. Also, they will be assessed on their skills.
Students practice dribbling....through the "trees". :)

Stationary dribbling

Great control!

5th graders working on their lay-ups.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I have to say I'm so excited about the future of our P.E. program and I will share some of the reasons why in just a second. BUT FIRST... one of MY New Years Resolutions is to do a better job with updating this blog!! :) Therefore, let me give you a brief re-cap of what we did during the first semester and then I will give you a glance on what's to come! Here we go....

First Semester Units
Cooperative Games (3-5), Spatial Awareness/Locomotor Skills (K-2), Throwing/Tossing/Catching (K-5), Fitness I (K-5), Striking (K-5)

*Prior to our holiday break, we finished up a 6 week unit on striking skills (hitting). Students were able to practice the various ways to hit a ball, while also using different types of equipment. In elementary physical education, especially with the earlier grades, instruction is not designed to be sport specific. However, we relate these skills to various sports and take it a little further with grades 3-5. Students had fun practicing skills related to the following sports: hockey, golf (K-2, putting), tennis and volleyball skills. We will re-visit striking skills in the spring.

We were so excited to incorporate tennis into our lessons for the students this year. Jane Trinkle from the USTA, assisted us with some of our classes. She also provided our program with all the developmentally appropriate equipment that was needed to ensure student success.  The students excitement for learning tennis was so fun to watch and they were very well behaved. Due to the success of this particular portion of our stirking skills unit, we plan on purchasing our own equipment and perhaps take the lessons further in the future.

Check out some of our students in action below!
Mrs. Shine and Mrs. Trinkle (USTA Coordinator-Southeast) tossing balls to students. This activity was called the "Lobster Catch" which was a good hand/eye coordination activity. Students had to catch the ball using two racquets.

Katie gets ready to peform a Lobster Catch!

4th grade students working on forehand volleys.
Way to go 5th grade!!


I mentioned earlier in this post, that I was so excited for what lies ahead for our P.E program. We are in the process of getting a projector for our gym, which will be used in conjunction with our lap tops and/or IPads. We are waiting on approval by the county regarding the IPads (fingers crossed!). The classrooms have interactive white boards, but having one of those in P.E. would not be suitable for our environment in the gym. However, the projector is designed specifically for a gym and will be protected from all the balls that "fly" around from time to time in the gym. There are so many apps for the IPad created for P.E. programs and when used with the projector it would create one INTERACTIVE and FUN learning environment in P.E!  Oh..don't worry...students will be moving...that is a must..there will be no sitting and watching a screen for a long period of time. We will be active!! As you can tell, Coach Brown and I are really looking forward to using technology to support our mission of teaching our students to be active and healthy over a LIFETIME!! You do not have to be a star athlete to do this either!! Hopefully, everything will be installed and ready to go within the next month or two, so we will keep you posted on the details!!


*All money that your child raises is due on this day. Look for JRFH packets to come home the week of January 28th.

Field Day T-Shirts: Look for order forms to go home prior to spring break.

Field Day: May 15th *We will need parent volunteers for this event!!

Monday, October 15, 2012


Listed below are the classes that have been rewarded for good behavior in P.E. class over the past nine weeks.

(Pictured) Mrs. Calland-Jone's class with the BIG SHOES!
"Big Shoe" Award (K-2)
Mrs. Mitchell's Kindergarten Class
Mrs. Calland Jones's 1st Grade Class
Mrs. Austin's 2nd Grade Class
Mrs. Bausman's 2nd Grade Class

"Points Winners"- PE Award (3-5)
3rd: Mrs. Elliott's Class
4th: Mrs. Parham's Class
5th. Mrs. Southall's Class

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


This week we will begin our fitness unit with all grade levels. Grades 4-5 will participate in FitnessGram pre-testing over the next couple of weeks. For more information on FitnessGram testing, please click on the link located to the right of this page (FG TESTING INFORMATION).  

Over the next few weeks, students will be learning about the three areas of fitness (cardiovascular endurance, muscle strength, and flexibility). Students will be able to indentify specific exercises that can be done to improve each of the three areas of fitness.

We like to make it clear to our students that you don't have to be a "star" athlete to be physically active. Therefore, we like to discuss and particpate in a variety of fitness related activities that they can do outside of P.E. In order to support this concept, we are going to be doing a bulletin board titled "Fall into Fitness". On the bulletin board we have created a "Fitness Tree" in which we would like to display pictures of our students participating in some type of physical activity outside of the school day. Click on the link to the right of this page titled "Fall Fitness Assignment". Please follow the instructions provided and turn in to your teachers as soon as possible!!  

We are looking forward to a fun fitness unit. Pictures to come soon!!! :)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Welcome Back to P.E.!!

We have been busy in P.E! The first week of school students were already beginning their first unit, while also becoming familiar with class expectations and procedures. Students in grades K-2 worked on spatial awareness and locomotor movements, while grades 3-5 participated in team building activities. Prior to our labor day break, all students were assessed upon completion of the unit. The types of assessments that we utilize in P.E. vary throughout the year depending on the grade level and unit.

Listed below are the ways that our students were assessed for Unit 1:

Kdg/1st- Skill checklist: Students were assessed by the teachers on the following locomotor skills: hopping (dominant/non-dominant foot), galloping, skipping, jumping, running, and side-sliding. This will be used as a pre-test, while we continue to work on these skills throughout the school year. In the spring, we will evaluate these skills again (post-test). Parents will receive feedback on their child's progress.

2nd- Teacher observation of skills: Students should have mastered all locomotor movements by this level. Through various activities the teacher is able to observe and evaluate skill levels. Students that are still having trouble with locomotor movements are identified and provided more one on one instruction.

3rd/4th- Teacher observation of skills: Teachers evaluate student's team building skills and give continuous feedback. Skills such as cooperation and problem solving are a major emphasis throughout this unit.

5th- Group Project: Students worked in groups to create their own game that focused on a unit assigned to them (Example: Throwing/Catching). In addition to creating the game, students had to present the game to other students. Students were able to play the games too. This assessment not only focused on our unit skills, but helped support literacy standards as well.  Students had to complete their packet using proper writing skills, and were also given a rubric to give them an idea of how we were going to grade their projects. Overall, our 5th graders did an awesome job and we just may have some future P.E. teachers here at CWE!